This has been a tough week. I've spent most of it flat on my back with a cold. The kind where I can totter around for a little while, but only if I'm willing to lay down for an equal amount of time moving as little as possible.
But there have been a couple of bright spots. Being stuck in bed with a brain that's only half functional leaves a lot of time for reading. I've read about two thirds of Made From Scratch by Jenna Woginrich, a book about small-scale homesteading (the link is to Amazon, but I'm borrowing my copy from the library. I love libraries. They're free, and if you end up with dud, you bring it back, no harm done. And if you really like something and it will be used often, then you can buy it on Amazon knowing it will be a keeper). What appeals to me about this book on homesteading is that it's all about filling your life with beautiful things made by your own hands. That's what I want most in my life. I'm not ready for chickens or bees, yet, but I'm slowly growing my garden and someday, somehow, I think I might get a rabbit or two.
I've also started using Pandora, and finally after all this time, I've found somewhere with the music speaks to me. Contemporary Folk. That's me. Music that makes me forget everything except that the world is a beautiful miracle.
My weird, slightly wilted herb garden, sturdily defended from squirrels and cats.