Well, that's not technically true. According to Coldwell Banker, there are houses available where I live for under $5000, which I probably could afford if I could get a mortgage, too. But, I'm talking about a specific house here, this house:

This house is for sale. I like the aesthetics of this house: its roof, its chimneys, its tall windows. Sure the house has its problems (graffiti, a lack of glass in the windows), but for me that's half the charm. The potential of what something could be given a little love and a lot of work is very appealing. I think that's how I developed my nature as a pack-rat. Someday, those piles of clothing I never wear could be remade into something hip and cool. Likewise for the stack of magazines and catalogs. And I actually do have a plan for the phonebooks: slice them into strips and spin them into a "yarn" and then weave or crochet them into baskets (see the link
here that I found through
whipup.net). I'm convinced that my problem is that my space is not arranged in a way that is conducive to crafting and not that I have way too much stuff.
Incidentally, as I was taking the above photos, I got into a conversation with a man who knew a bit about the house. He thought I might be taking photos "to show to my husband back in Oregon or something." Um, no. I laughed and told him that I just liked the way it looked but if I did have a husband in Oregon, I absolutely would show him the pictures, and the man seemed to understand that and stayed to chat for a little while.
But in the end, I have a roof and walls and I can afford them (and can mostly find the time to do the most necessary cleaning), so that's something. Meanwhile, I will probably have dreams about this house.
P.S. Note the new link in the sidebar to threadbanger. Finally, a crafty site with a bit of an edge to add to my collection.
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