Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about Service lately. When I was in New Zealand, I met a girl who was recently discharged from the Israeli army. Military service is required for all people in Israel. 3 years for men and 2 for women. Mandatory state service requirements are not uncommon in other countries, but we don't have one in the United States.

Military service is not for me, but I have great admiration for people who have chosen to give their lives in Service. This includes the living and the dead, members of the armed forces (although I may disagree with the means, these people have offered their lives and for that they command my admiration), members of the clergy, and others. I'm a great believer in Service. Imagine the good that could be done in the world if every person gave one year of their lives to improve the world.

While I've been mulling over these thoughts, one thing became shockingly clear: I haven't given my year.

There were a number of options for me right when I finished college. I could have joined the Peace Corps or AmeriCorps or Teach for America or gone to work for a nonprofit. I could have done these things, but I didn't. I went to grad school instead.

The way I see it, I owe the world one year of my life.

So how much is a year? Let's say that one year is 40 hours a week for 50 weeks (somehow, this seems stingy to me, but for the sake of having a number, let's go with). That's 2,000 hours. Well, I'd better get started then.

About a month ago, I put in a request to volunteer at the Homework Help Center at the Library. I did my first 3 hour shift on Monday. It was great to work with the students, and I think it will be a very rewarding experience. I'm looking forward to making Service a regular feature in my life, and little by little I'll accumulate my year.